I still write poetry, but rarely

I still write poetry

but rarely


I even thought that i don’t have it in me


that my muse may be



But then, sometimes she comes back

and kisses me


;  )





Now / Here


The birds they sing

At the break of day

“Start again”

I hear them say

“Don’t dwell

On what has passed away

And what has yet to be”


Yes, all those howler monkeys

And the birds and the whales

The dolphins too 

They all sing songs about the Now

About the Here


“No need for The News”

They say


No need for all the crazy things

The interesting things

I read each day


Sometimes I would love to be like them

Those dolphin brothers

Whale sisters


Just be



The depths of Space






A song, music



a song comes to my mind

from some time

long ago

and I don’t know why


It just appears


Sometimes I hear a melody

a composition or just a song

and it really strikes a cord 

somewhere deep inside me


Thinking stops

Feelings come



I love those moments!


Music really can transport me into mystical realms

Different from the mundane world of me and men


It reaches deep into my soul


I can not produce such moments 

But they do happen


And I am grateful 






Like the womb


maybe not everybody,

but a lot of folks enjoy to walk along a river 

or a creek

or by a lake or ocean shore


many people, I reckon

like to hear the sound of flowing water’s murmuring

or the crashing of waves on a shore


maybe not everyone is delighted by such things

but I am


I even love to dive into the waters

immerse myself 

swim and dive and float


or just be still 


let myself sink




like consciousness








like the womb






There’s a lot to love 


I love to walk in the warm rain

barefoot on dirt roads

I love to come home to my house

and crawl into my hammock

I love to walk a jungle road on a hot day

under the canopy of trees

sun rays  filtering thru the green

i love many things and sights

i thing there is a lot to love

about life






we live on

i know, we have to live

like all is well

we live on


i know, we have to!


we live on

day by day

doin’ what we do

not really

thinking it thru 


we live on

babies are born

every day we grow

in numbers and in confusions

about what else to do


than livin’ on!


we do our best

i know, some of us do

but the rest

simply lives on









Be still my mind

be still

why do you want to chatter all day long


Be still

like the trees

they only whisper

when the wind moves thru



Be still 

mind be still

then the world will hear

when the Spirit moves thru you


Be still my mind 

and know

the I AM 







What’s a haiku got to do with anything?


i like a good haiku

every now and then

but it should be delivered

like a surprise kiss

then it is powerful

and can blow my mind


otherwise its too constricting

at least for my taste

almost like a mannerism 


i like the minimalist way of life

but i am not a Japan-ese

and Zen can be a real hard trip sometimes

(i tried, but no, but thank you!)


I rather prefer “the river approach”

here I AM

the river runs thru here


whatever it brings

whatever the form

it just runs thru I AM


stream of consciousness

if you know what i mean


but back to the haiku

in case you know how to make sweet little ones

and i am happy if you blow some in my direction 






I write, erase, rewrite

Erase again, and then

A white lily blooms.






love between us is

speech and breath and looks.

loving you is

a long river running.








How to deal with your wishes:

(it works for me)


Ask for what you want

but don’t demand it


Accept what ever happens

for now


Turn up your love

even if you don’t get what you want


That’s a very practical approach

(and it works for me ; )






My own little wish list to God


Oh God, you who are almighty, please grant me a wish

Please God, wipe away from the face of the earth

all those egotistical, self-obsessed politicians who do just about anything to stay in power.


Please God, take away from us all those persons who do not have compassion, who have no empathy and heart, who use other people for personal gain or pleasure, who suppress, manipulate, abuse, terrorize, brutalize, torture and kill others for whatever reason.


Please God, remove from the face of the earth those who are corrupt and use their position to suppress others, who bully and terrorize others, who extort and exploit and suck out everything possible for helpless victims.


Please dear God, take away from us the liars, the cheaters, the wife-beaters, the manipulators and snake-oil-salesmen, the serial seducers and rapists, the abusers, misusers and brutes, the insensitive and heartless, the careless and the brutalists, the torturers and the sadists and the killers, the merciless and the cruel.


Please God, wipe away from this earth the military machinery, the whole military-industrial-complex. Take all the weaponry, all the nuclear warheads and rockets and fighter planes and cannons, all those M-16 machine guns and all the other deadly things that shoot, all the nerve gas and biologic and cyber weapons, take away the whole chain of command, war rooms, generals and obedient soldiers who are ready follow any cruel command without a thought.     


Please God, take from us the money machine, the stock markets and the big banks, the obscene bonuses and salaries of CEOs, the sport bets and horse race bets and all other schemes to make money from nothing.


Maybe my dear God you could even take away the money game altogether, so we may just share our skills and expertise for free. This would be so cool :  ) 


My God, could you maybe make another beautiful Earth and transfer lets say 3.5 billion people over there, so we have enough place here and enough place there and will not die from overpopulation.


God, i have just a few more little things to ask you now.


Please reset the nature kingdoms to the state of 1750, to the state before the Industrial Revolution.

Please restore the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Jungle and the Ice Sheets of the Antarctic and the Glaciers of Greenland and re-instate all the beautiful species of fauna and flora that have gone extinct since then, all the animals that have been killed for consumption and financial gain.


Dear God, if you could also increase and upgrade the consciousness of the Earth’s population by quite a bit so we are not any more have to stumble around like sleepwalkers, that we not any more have only trial-and-error to understand how life works, that we are not cut off from hearing the still small voice of the soul in our heart, that we are not blind anymore!




My dearest God, i realize all that is a lot to ask from you.

But you are almighty, i know you can do it.

And it would really mean a lot to a lot of us humans here.


Thank you God for listening & i hope to hear from you soon.





ps: Well, obviously i do not really believe in the Almighty Father-god up there with the beard who can be petitioned with all kinds of requests and who then proves his might and delivers what has been asked.

But … sometimes it is nice and healthy to voice your wishes, sometime it is necessary to let the burdened heart talk & lighten its load.








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