
Definition of: trans·fig·u·ra·tion


1. a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful, exalted or spiritual state.

2. Christ’s appearance in radiant glory to three of his disciples on a mountaintop

3. a Christian feast that celebrates the transfiguration of Christ on the Mountaintop



changeover, metamorphosis, transformation, transsubstantiation, transmutation



Verklärung, přeměna, verheerlijking , trasfigurazione, transfiguración,  रूप-परिवर्तन


Transfiguration is a rather mysterious, mystical word that in the Western Christian countries is usually reserved for an event in the New Testament where Jesus is showing three of his disciples his Divine Christ Nature, which makes his whole body shine in beautiful outer worldly light, transmuting the substance of his flesh into higher vibrations.


This event has been re-imagined many times by classical painters, for example here 1520 by Raphael …..



….. and by some modern artists as well.



But beyond that, in a wider context, transfiguration is also used to indicate a transformation of appearance that can happen in states of religious exaltation, in Devotional Prayer and Chanting, in Sufi Dervish dances, in Shamanistic Trance Rituals and in the Mystical Samadhi State of Yogis, Mystics and Saints of all cultures.

Many such stories i have been reading and also could witness myself a few times with a Indian Guru of mine, on the occasion when he was giving Darśana. (No, it was not Rajneesh ;  )





Obviously it is mostly women saints who are famous to have fallen into rapture and blissful ecstasy. And famous enough to be painted or sculptured by even more famous artists ;  )

 Theresa of Avila, Sancta Caecilia, Maria Magdalena, Sancta Claire of Assisi  are just a few in the Christian Faith. 

Francis of Assisi is maybe an exception (because i guess he had a lot of feminine traits in his character.  


Meerabai, Mahadevi, Muktabai are a few of the female Bhakti Saints of India whose devotional surrender to Krishna allowed them to experience the ecstatic bliss of Union with their god. And many poems and songs are there to speak of that.

I think it might be in the feminine nature that devotion and surrender to the beloved and the complete letting go of the own identity in love may lead to such intensity of union that transfigures a human being into a saintly being.

But hey! I don’t know too much about this myself :  )




Now, on a rather different level than the ecstasy that results from the all-encompassing spiritual devotion of the heart, there is another mysterious phenomena, one that seems to come thru the physical body – the orgasm

Especially the extended or multiple orgasm that women can experience looks quite similar in expression like religious and spiritual exaltations. 

Obviously a transformation takes place in those moments, the person falls away and the face stars to shine from the inside …

I think. 

Well, maybe i just want to see it like that ;  )


I have worked on the following photos in Photoshop to make them look a bit like “art” and not so overtly explicit.



Maybe it is apples and oranges and i should not compare the two :  )

But on the other hand ….. the moment of deep orgasm is a cosmic moment in which yin and yang, female and male energy merges to create new life!!!

If thats not something cosmic i don’t know what is!

And, honesty, we all want orgasms, don’t we?


I think that there is something hidden that most of us have not really discovered yet in our sex life.

The original Tantra scriptures and Taoistic secrets of sexual union have always pointed in that direction and newer trends like Slow Sex, Karezza, and Osho’s Neo Tantra may give some practical inspiration.

But i believe that the secret is not in the methods, the exotic sexual practices. They might be helpful to get over the habitual and mechanical act of sexual interactions but the “secret sauce” is in the heart and in the consciousness.

To synchronize all those chakras, the lower and the higher and unify this immense creative energy in the heart ….. this may lead us to new shores.

Maybe even to  … TRANSFIGURATION

What do you think?


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